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  • 非主流乐评 Eluveitie – Inis Mona


    Inis Mona是Eluveitie的08新专Slania中的主打曲目,刚从iqgao处下回来新鲜滚烫的mv,才看开头已经热血沸腾,忍不住要唠叨一番了(上次有这个感觉好像是初见Jun Nada,面壁……)。Eluveitie起初是S推荐的,多谢啦,差点错过一个牛团!


    0.先说重点,Anna Murphy实在是美女一名(图中后排左二),真的,不骗你们。虽然整个mv中她出镜的次数屈指可数,还是被我发现啦。对了,就是那个玩Hurdy Gurdy[*]的女生。然而表现力最好的要算拉小提琴的mm Meri Tadic了(后排右三),其中甚至有她作势要“弹奏”小提琴的镜头哦~


    2.pv再好也只是歌曲的包装而已,如果没有优美的旋律,我们肯定不会被吸引。精彩的曲目编排穿插着动听的爱尔兰民族乐器演奏,再加上主唱醇厚的死吼和一段Irish Flute独奏,不爱上Eluveitie?我找不到理由。特别是副歌部分,真是百听不厌。遗憾的是我搜遍wikipedia和google也没能找到Inis Mona的涵义,到底文化背景有差呀,可惜。

    3.在mv中可以看到很多奇特的民族乐器。比如前面提到的Hurdy Gurdy, Irish Flute,还有Tin and Low Whistles, Uilleann Pipes, Bodhràn等等。作为一支瑞士乐团,竟然可以将爱尔兰民族乐器运用得如此娴熟,真是佩服。

    4.有意思的是,虽然乐队的歌词主题是Celtic/Helvetian[**] History,但他们官网上却在显著位置标有这样一句话:Eluveitie consider themselves a neutral band on topics as politics and religion! 不知是不是陷入什么政治宗教问题的纠纷中了。


    点此查看视频_Click to see the video


    [*]Hurdy Gurdy是一种弦乐器,通过手柄转动一个涂有松香的轮,以轮拨弦再配合键盘来发声,实在是精巧啊。具体可参见wikipedia上的描述:

    A hurdy gurdy (also known as a “wheel fiddle”) is a stringed musical instrument in which the strings are sounded by means of a rosined wheel which the strings of the instrument pass over. This wheel, turned with a crank, functions much like a violin bow, making the instrument essentially a mechanical violin. Melodies are played on a keyboard that presses tangents (small wedges, usually made of wood) against one or more of these strings to change their pitch. Like most other acoustic string instruments, it has a soundboard to make the vibration of the strings audible.



    Helvetia is the Roman name for an ancient region of central Europe occupying a plateau between the Alps and the Jura Mountains. Helvetia corresponded roughly to the western part of modern Switzerland, and the name is still used poetically.

    In the first century BC, a Celtic group known as the Helvetii migrated from Southern Germany to Switzerland. Eventually, they came up against the Romans. They were pushed back into Switzerland by Caesar’s army in 58 BC. The Roman Empire founded its province of Helvetia in current Switzerland in 15 BC.

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