标签: profile

  • 同时运行多个不同配置的 Firefox 实例

    不,很显然我并非吃饱了撑的。什么情况下你会想要同时运行多个不同 profile 的 Firefox 呢?比如:
    1、需要为一个站点保存不同的 cookies;
    2、扩展太多,为特定任务分别安装不同扩展来加快 Firefox 运行速度;

    实现这个目的很容易,为快捷方式加上”no-remote”参数然后用”profile”参数指定不同配置文件夹即可。每个快捷方式对应一个 profile 。

    For a detailed English version of this article, you can refer to http://dengkefu.com/boke/internet/application/how-to-run-different-firefox-profiles-simultaneously-the-easy-way.html

  • How to Run Different Firefox Profiles Simultaneously the Easy Way

    Seriously, there’re times when you need to run different Firefox instances with respective profiles. If you ever encountered one of the scenarios below, you probably need to read this.

    The Reasons

    1. You need to store different cookies for the same website. (What is cookie?) As to myself, I’ve got two Google accounts, and I want Firefox to remember both of them.
    2. You share your computer with someone else.
    3. Since the more addons you have installed, the slower Firefox becomes. Using separate profiles, you can install plugins for specific tasks in each profile.

    The Solution

    There are instructions on solving this problem with the Profile Manager plugin, such as this tutorial by Ross McKillop. However, what I’m going to describe here is a simpler solution.

    1. Modify the shortcut to firefox.exe. Mine had an argument "-profile ‘path\to\the\profile\folder’", then I added the argument "no-remote" and it became "-no-remote -profile ‘path\to\the\profile\folder’".
    2. Create a new folder where fits, which will be your new profile container.
    3. Create a new shortcut to your firefox.exe with the command line arguments "-no-remote –profile ‘path\to\the\new\profile\container’".

    All set & start to enjoy two Firefox instances at the some. You’ll see that the whole point of this method is the command line argument "no-remote", which enables Firefox to run with multiple profiles. You can find an incomplete list of Firefox command line arguments here.

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