
  • Canon Plans to Extend the EOS Production Line

    Some may have noticed that there’s a new product showed in the help-file of Canon’s photo processing software "Digital Photo Professional" v3.4.1, named Digital Rebel XS/1000D.

    This means besides the 1-digit (1D and 5D series), 2-digit (40D series) and 3-digit (450D series) products, Canon’s roadmap for its EOS system extends to the 4-digit class. (I was told that there was an EOS camera with the 4-digit model number, but I don’t know about it. ^^ )


  • Canon EOS 5D Mark II is coming?

    Rumor has it for years that 5D Mark II is about to come, but the truth is, seldom (or none) of us has ever seen it. I’ve been looking forward to it since I sold my Nikon D200 last year. Not that there’s anything wrong with D200, but I just found out Canon’s lens system is more attractive.

    There’re dozens of so-called proofs of 5D Mark II, however, most of them are just words or PSed pictures. The one I’m going to show below seems to be more convincible – it’s a pre-released book named "Canon EOS 5D Mark II Digital Field Guide" found in Amazon.


  • Several Firefox Features You Should Know


    To be honest, I’m new to Firefox. Through plenty of IE-cored browsers and Opera (which is a powerful browser too, but does not have as many extensions as Firefox do. And that’s why I have to give it away), I got here eventually. Although I’m not using it for long, it doesn’t keep me from loving this amazing browser, since there’re a lot of ready-to-be-used extensions for us to make customizations. Or, maybe I should say "way to many". ^^


  • 超炫目的新闻聚合阅读工具Spectra,来自MSNBC




    打开Spectra窗口,上方列出了可供选择的各种新闻频道feeds,包括政治、体育、技术、旅行、视频、博客等,每个频道都含有多个子类别。被选择的频道将出现在窗口下方(图中已隐藏)。各个新闻页以螺旋线形式展开在窗口中央,并且会自行滚动(速度可以在右边的选项Orbital Settings里面调整)。点击任意新闻可看到标题、摘要和相关图片,但是不会显示全文,想看全文的话可以点击其中给出的链接。


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  • Awesome Setup Icons by dReamxis

    dReamxis is a truly gifted planar designer. I’ve been using her customization works for a long time, which includes Windowblinds themes, system icons, software skins, etc.

    I have to tell that she’s really doing a stunning job there. Every piece of her design seems to be polishing.


  • 8个优秀的Firefox用twitter插件

    作者:Stan Schroeder

    翻译:Ralph “RAL” Dunn



    1. Twitbin



    2. Tweetbar

    Tweetbar可以在Firefox和Flock下运行,与Twitbin类似,它也位于侧边栏。开启的快捷键是Ctrl + Shift + T(Windows)或Cmd + Shift + T(Mac),问题是这个快捷键与Firefox打开最近关闭页面的快捷键冲突。当然,你也可以通过“视图”—“侧边栏”—“Tweetbar”打开它。


    3. TwitterNotifier



    4. TwittyTunes

    如果你想让全世界都知道自己现在正在收听什么歌曲,那么TwittyTunes就是为你量身打造的插件了。它与另一个Firefox扩展FoxyTunes协同工作(不过FoxyTunes不是必须的,只是没有这个插件的话,TwittyTunes不会显示歌曲的详细信息),将你收听的歌曲post到twitter上。不仅如此,它还可以post你当前浏览的页面和正在收看的视频。(喜欢看XXX影片的同学们要小心使用 ^^)


    5. Ludicrous



    6. Another Firefox search bar plugin



    7. Twitterbar



    8. Power Twitter by 30 Boxes

    该插件由30 Boxes网站出品,从其命名上我们便可窥见端倪,它适合一些需要更强功能的用户。Power Twitter并非为Firefox增加什么功能,实际上,它是为你的twitter页面添加特性的。它可以在你的twitter页面嵌入Flickr图片和YouTube视频、显示tinyurl的真实地址、映射链接到web页面标题。除此之外,它还可以显示30 Boxes网站的用户信息,这给那些同时使用twitter和30 Boxes的用户带来了便利。

    Power Twitter by 30 Boxes

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