分类: Watch

  • Feedburner Unblocked

    Don’t know why they kept doing this, blocking useful services provided by websites from out of the country. I mean here in my country. Unfortunately, feedburner is in the blocking list. You just can’t visit links in this form: feeds.feedburner.com/username.
    But now, it seems to me that feedburner is unblocked. And I guess Google has done much to make it happen. I don’t know if it’s only temporary. So, anybody who concerns about this like I do, pray to our mighty God that this will last.
    In my opinion, blocking is definitely not a good way to solve the problem we confront. Confining people’s vision in a limited scale will lead to a rebellion from inside. At least that’s how I feel to be restrained.
    All in all, the substance of Internet is freedom and sharing. So, why not just let us be free?

    By the way, Wikipedia also got unblocked some time before. Does it have anything to do with Beijing Olympic Games? Anyway, just enjoy the could-be temporary freedom surfing around.

  • Used and Abused – The Promotion of Firefox

    Mozilla logo

    Image via Wikipedia

    Firefox is one of the best browsers ever, but its promotion in my country is a total disaster. I said there are 2 reasons why I hate Firefox, but I didn’t go further into reason no.2 – promotion. Since with the latest release of Firefox 3, the startup time is greatly improved. I feel like I should discuss about the promotion problem of Firefox. The situation is way much worse than you could imagine.

    Localized or disorganized? The dilemma of Firefox.

    As the biggest threat to IE, Firefox is excellent with its convenience and extendibility. However, influenced by historical factors, the market share of Firefox is relevantly so low, in which case, the promotion of it becomes an essential job.

    Google and Mozilla became strategic partners in 2005. Since then Google took the promotion job by advertising Firefox with Google Toolbar in Adsense, and Firefox went into a highway spreading all over the net.

    Most things localized in my country are always customized with “The Features”, and Firefox is no exception. Because the promotion is so profitable, some web masters start to play “tricks” in order to make more money out of it. The tricks include fraud or threatening on their web pages, e.g. “IE sucks, if you don’t use Firefox, your computer will be so vulnerable and defenseless to attacks”, blah blah blah. Some even hide their contents with JavaScript to IE users.

    Losing not only money, but also reputation.

    Promoting Firefox like this does great harm to the reputation of Google and Mozilla. Let’s make the further analysis of the phenomenon described above.

    Basically, we may divide users into three types:

    1. Those who know nothing about Firefox at all;
    2. Those who know about Firefox but use other browsers;
    3. Those who are using Firefox.

    As to user type 1, if one doesn’t know anything about Firefox and can’t tell the difference between browsers, they don’t even care! Consequently, the ads are in vain.

    User type 2 is the largest part. However, this way of promotion suggests rogue software to users of this kind, because they have the idea of what Internet or Firefox is. Promoting this way does nothing but lower the reputation of Google and Mozilla.

    For user type 3, they are proficients, if I may say so. Ads can’t change their viewpoints over something. Now that they are already Firefox users, the promotion doesn’t work either.

    Healthy development, the way Firefox should be in.

    Firefox is an excellent software with the most promising prospects in the open source world. I sincerely hope that Mozilla and Google will clear out the promotional environment as soon as possible, for the healthy, rapid and sustainable development of Firefox.

    Zemanta Pixie
  • 2 Reasons Why I Hate Firefox

    Mozilla Firefox

    Image via Wikipedia

    I said I was a fan of Firefox in the article showing massive updates of Firefox plugins. Yep, and I still am. No, I didn’t plan to give up using it. I’m not playing around here. The truth is, although I hate Firefox in some aspects, it doesn’t keep me from using it. There is an old Chinese saying that “one rails badly at what he loves most”. That’s a proper description of me and Firefox.

    Nothing is perfect, and Firefox is not an exception either. Below are 2 critical matters about Firefox, which Mozilla should improve in my opinion.

    1. Startup time. This is nothing new but platitudes, and people complaining about it are all around. To balance between the startup time and functionality, I have to limit the number of extensions I’m installing. Even so, I’m not quite satisfied by the time Firefox takes to launch and get ready to work.
    2. Promotion. This is a specific problem happening in my country. Google became Mozilla’s partner in 2005 and started to support the promotion of Firefox. Because the promotion is highly profitable, most webmasters were trying every means to make money out of it. Since then the situation became uncontrollable. Ads about Firefox floated all around the pages, some of which even prevented other browsers from visiting them. That’s unbelievable!

    As to the browser itself, Firefox is a great program with quantities of powerful extensions. And I just wish it could get better. By the way, are you ready for Firefox 3? It’s coming in no time!

    Zemanta Pixie
  • Massive Updates of Firefox Plugins

    Firefox 3: Recorde Mundial no Guinness

    Image by leorolim via Flickr

    This is not an common scene we could see everyday. Maybe it’s not a big deal for you, but for me, it is. With only a few plugins installed in my Firefox, I’ve never seen that many plugins updated at the same time before. (“that many” means three. ^^)

    I know, I know, you all have already got the news that Firefox 3 is going to be available at 17th, June. I just can’t help feeling so excited about it, because I’m using Firefox 2 currently. I’ve tried a beta version of Firefox 3 re-encapsulated by PortableApps, and it works just fine. These are several features you should know about it. However, being a perfectionist, I prefer a more stable version for long term usage.

    By the way, Mozilla is holding an event for Firefox 3 named “Download Day“, the purpose of which is to set a Guinness World Record for the most downloaded software in 24 hours. If you’re a Firefox fan just like me, feel free to join us and spread it, then enjoy the web!

    Zemanta Pixie
  • 关于搜索引擎,9件你不知道的事



    1. 发明于1936年?

    由美国工程师Vannevar Bush发表于1945年之前的一篇文章阐述了一个基本的想法,正是这一想法导致了超文本的发明,也给出了对存储信息进行快速检索(相当于今天的搜索引擎)的理由。这篇名为《As We May Think》的论文最早可能在1936年写作完成。他提出的“记忆体扩展装置”概念,memex,包含了最终导致万维网(WWW)创建的先驱理念。

    2. 神奇的文本自动检索器

    第一个真正意义上的搜索引擎于20世纪60年代创建,发明者是Gerard Salton。他和他的团队在康奈尔大学创造了“智能信息检索系统”(SMART information retrieval system),SMART代表Salton’s Magic Automatic Retriever of Text(Salton的神奇文本自动检索器)。Gerard Salton被认为是现代搜索技术之父。

    3. 互联网的第一个搜索引擎


    4. 万维网的第一个搜索引擎

    第一个web搜索引擎名为Wandex于1993年发布,使用万维网上的第一个web爬虫Wanderer创建索引。它由MIT的Matthew Gray用Perl语言编写,该同学目前在Google工作。

    5. 无事可做的囧境


    6. 第一个全文搜索引擎

    94年产生的WebCrawler是第一个索引整个页面的搜索引擎,也就成了第一个提供全文检索(像今天的搜索引擎一样)的搜索引擎。 在此之前搜索引擎仅索引页面标题和header信息。目前WebCrawler已经转型为meta搜索引擎,使用Google、Yahoo、Live和Ask搜索提供的数据结果。译者注:所谓meta搜索,就是将其它引擎的搜索结果整合发布。

    7. Google的原型

    现在Google的搜索技术最初叫做BackRub,由Larry Page和Sergey Grin于96年开始研发。

    8. Yahoo和Microsoft来晚一步


    9. 上图是三大搜索引擎吗?不



    翻译:Ralph “RAL” Dunn


  • 5个你没见过的Google版本



    Google Search in Leetspeak


    Google Search in Klingon

    Bork, bork, bork!

    Google Search in Bork, bork bork!

    Pig Latin

    Google Search in Pig Latin

    Elmer Fudd

    Google Search in Elmer Fudd


    翻译:Ralph "RAL" Dunn


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  • 21个巨搞笑的Google Adwords

    换祖母、杂草、新大脑、地狱旅行,这些事物有共同点吗?如果你回答说“它们都是Google Adwords广告!”,那么恭喜你,答对了!ROI Revolution举办了一个年度搞笑Adwords竞赛,让我们先来看看最终排名:



























    注:上文中的Jeff指Jeff Gerstmann,GameSpot的前总编,被炒了……


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