Dynamic Tree Construction according to User Role and Page

In the developing environment of C# and .NET, dynamic data binding isn’t anything new at all. I’m here just to make a summary of how to do the job to a TreeView object, and add a few contents depending on my practical experience.

Keywords: dynamic tree construction, user role, page.

Problem Description

In the classic three-layer architecture adopted by my project, we have

1. data tables that are dealt with by a DAL-located class database.cs;

2. a series of corresponding BLL classes to manipulate data retrieved from those tables;

3. aspx pages and aspx.cs code files in the presentation layer.

which means following elements are involved:

1. data table User, UserRole, RoleTree;

2. class User.cs, UserRole.cs, RoleTree.cs;

3. example page sampleTree.aspx and its code file sampleTree.aspx.cs.

A picture speaks more than a thousand words. Let’s first take a look at the chart below to get an overview of how this work is going to be done.

Solution Pt1: User Login

By the input username and password, we first get the userId, through which user role(s) are obtained and stored in a Session object. In case of more than one role for a specific user, we take an ArrayList as the role container.

if (Page.IsValid)
    User usr = new User();
    string userId = "";
    SqlDataReader recs = usr.GetUserLogin(txtUserName.Text.Trim(), txtPassword.Text.Trim());

    if (recs.Read())
        userId = recs["UserID"].ToString();

    if ((userId != String.Empty) && (userId != ""))
        // get user roles, put them into session
        ArrayList alRoleIDs = new ArrayList();
        UserRole ur = new UserRole();
        SqlDataReader dr = ur.GetRoleByUserID(Int32.Parse(userId));
        while (dr.Read())
        Session.Add("RoleIDs", alRoleIDs);

Solution Pt2: Tree Construction

Then we take the RoleIDs of ArralyList above and some PageID of int as arguments to get the tree. Codes below are sample codes from sampleTree.aspx.cs:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!Page.IsPostBack)
        BindTreeData(treeSidebar, (ArrayList)Session["RoleIDs"]);

private void BindTreeData(TreeView tv, ArrayList al)
    RoleTree rt = new RoleTree();
    // when applied to different pages, take RoleIDs of ArrayList and PageID of int as arguments
    DataTable dt = rt.GetTreeByRoleIDandPageID(al, 3); // 3 is an exmaple of pageId

    foreach (DataRow row in dt.Select())
        TreeNode tempNode = new TreeNode();
        tempNode.Text = row["Title"].ToString();
        tempNode.Value = row["NodeID"].ToString();
        tempNode.Expanded = false;
        tempNode.NavigateUrl = row["Url"].ToString();


Further Notice

//It is especially useful when applied to MasterPages.

//This solution does not take node’s parent into account, which means the TreeView object constructed is not a real tree, strictly speaking.



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