I found the photo above in sexinart, an alternative blog recommended by someone in my RSS feeds. (I’m sorry for I can’t remember who he is -___-) The weblog is filled with more sex contents than art, so when I discovered a photo like this, I was shocked just at the first glance. No words left for me to describe such a beautiful scene, just none. I even hate myself of using the word "beautiful", it’s more than that.
The mother with her daughter are placed in the middle of this picture, and it seems to violate the one-third rule in composition. However, doing so simply drags our attention to the subject, which is exactly what the photographer want to show, when we start to view this photo. Try to cover the shadows of blue sky and clouds, you’ll find out that even the background like them are indispensable. They’re metaphors that show us how great maternity is. Yes, the young mother is naked, but I don’t see anything sexual, just holy and pure.
Jock Sturges, the photographer, should be considered as one of the most important fine art photographers of our times. And the photo described above is included in "Line of Beauty and Grace", a film about photography and art, family and life, dealing with the history of man and woman, life and art.